Plants are usually benign to your pets, whether they are house plants, or the ones found growing in your garden or back yard. However, not all plants are benign, and some can be very dangerous to your pet. If you do not know which plants your pet should avoid, it’s certainly time you did! Here are 10 plants that can harm your pets! You should prevent your pet from coming into contact with these plants.
1 – Daffodils
In early springtime daffodils are commonly seen and even poems have been written about them. However, these beautiful bright yellow flowers contain lycorine, which is a strong emetic, meaning it can trigger vomiting in your pet. If your pet eats the plant or flow, or the bulb, apart from severe vomiting, they could also experience diarrhea and abdominal pains. They might even experience respiratory depression or cardiac arrhythmias.
2 – Lily of the Valley
This pretty plant contains cardiac glycosides. Exposure to this plant can cause symptoms that are broadly similar to the ingestion of digitalis (foxglove). These symptoms can include diarrhea, vomiting, severe cardiac arrhythmias, heart rate decrease, and seizures.
3 – Oleander
This outdoor shrub is popular in gardens for its beautiful flowers and evergreen qualities. However, a slowed down heart rate, severe vomiting, and possibly even death can result if the flowers or leaves are eaten by your pet. They are extremely toxic for dogs and cats, to the point where it’s probably best not to grow this plant if you have a pet.
4 – Dieffenbachia
This is a plant often found in offices as it is easy to maintain. It is often found in homes to for the same reasons, but if a pet ingests any part of this plant, it can cause significant oral irritation, as well as nausea, vomiting, drooling, and swallowing difficulties. This plant is also known as the dumb cane!
5 – Lilies
Not all lilies can be considered a danger to your pet, some are harmless, but there are those that are harmful. You should know the difference! The most dangerous lilies are Asiatic, Japanese Show, Tiger, Day, and Easter lilies. These are especially toxic to cats, and can cause severe kidney failure. Less dangerous, but still to be avoided, are the Peruvian, Peace, and Calla lilies, which can cause irritation in the mouth and tongue.
6 – Kalanchoe
This is a popular flowering succulent plant, but if your pet eats any part of it, it can cause diarrhea, heart arrhythmias, and vomiting.
7 – Azalea
This plant is part of the rhododendron family. If your pet ingests a part of this plant, the effects can include diarrhea, vomiting, and significant drooling. Your pet will need immediate veterinary attention. Failing this, your pet could fall into a coma and possibly even die. Rhododendrons are highly toxic to dogs, cats and horses.
8 – Autumn Crocus
There is a spring crocus and an autumn crocus. If your pet ingests parts of the spring crocus, vomiting and diarrhea are the likely results. However, if it ingests parts of the more dangerous and highly toxic autumn crocus, gastrointestinal bleeding, severe vomiting, respiratory failure, and liver and kidney damage can result.
9 – Cyclamen
This is a seasonal flowering plant with roots that are very dangerous to pets. If ingested, the symptoms can include severe vomiting and can even result in death.
10 – Tulips and Hyacinths
These plants have similar toxic properties. Ingestion of the plants will result in irritation around the mouth, and can include drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea.
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