If your pet is lost it is extremely important to post as many “Lost Pet Flyers” as you can within 1-mile radius of where your pet was lost and in the areas your pet has been spotted. “Lost Pet Flyers” overall produce the best results (finds) than any other action but you do want to be careful what information you put on the “Lost Pet Flyers”.


  • Do NOT put your name or address on the flyer
  • Place a color photo of your pet on the flyer
  • List the following information
    • Date and where your pet was lost
    • Breed of dog or cat
    • Sex and Age
    • Weight and color
    • Markings–it is very important you withhold some identifying marks and characteristics
      • By withholding some information might help you later to verify the pet someone has found is actually your pet and not a scam, and verify the pet belongs to you
    • Telephone number–use your cell number so you can have your phone with you as you are out searching
  • Offer a reward  DO NOT STATE THE AMOUNT
  • Use 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper and if you can use fluorescent paper which will stand out and have high viability.


Lost dog have you seen me

Now place the flyers everywhere:

  • waist level on telephone poles
  • eye level in places such as veterinary offices, pet stores, laundromats, beauty and barber shops, grocery stores, bulletin boards, churches, schools, pizza parlors, gas stations, convenience stores, community bulletin boards and anywhere else that will let you post a flyer.


Check frequently where you have posted a flyer and replace if needed.

Once you have found your pet go back and collect all flyers that you have posted.

Check out our blog on Tips to Find Your Lost Pet