Two dogs walking togetherPet sitters are counted on to provide pet care services at an excellent level at all times. Being a dependable pet sitter means you are capable, reliable, responsible, steady, tried and true, and trustworthy.

Each pet owner is looking to find a pet sitter with the character needed to perform excellent service for the pet family and the home. How do you decide if the pet sitter is the one for you?

Guardian Pet Sitters® looks for a person who is much more than a pet lover. Being a pet lover is a MUST when taking care of pets. We believe that is the starting foundation to build upon. Early in my experience I got the “awakening” that taking care of my own pets did not qualify me as a pet sitter. During the 19 years Guardian Pet Sitters® has been in business, I have continued learning more about pets and pet related issues. This allows me to educate those who work for us and helps our clients with their pet’s needs.

Most articles you read about how to select a pet sitter associate the credentials of the business with the qualities of a pet sitter. Some of the things you would want to know about a business:

  • A business should be bonded and insured.
  • The business has a service agreement that spells out what is expected and gives the necessary information needed to provide service.
  • The business has policies in place that insure your pet’s care would not be compromised.
  • A business follows the laws that pertain to the business.
  • The business has office hours and a system for you to contact the office when needed.
  • The business offers their staff on-going training to keep them knowledgeable in pet care and other aspects of in home pet care.
  • The business is a member of professional organizations and has advisors they work with to keep the business on track.
  • The business is about customer service and will put doing what is right for the customer and their pets over making money.

Some of the things you want to think about when you select your pet sitter:

  • A pet sitter finds pleasure in caring for pets-petting-playing and nurturing and most of all providing them TLC.
  • A pet sitter must be trustworthy, have excellent judgment and be self motivated and disciplined.
  • A pet sitter needs great organizational skills and can think fast when faced with an emergency.
  • A pet sitter must be in good health.
  • A pet sitter should be more concerned about what is best for the pet and the pet owner over their own agenda. That would include being able to put the pet owner and pets’ needs over their own.
  • A pet sitter should be engaged in on-going training and open to learning more about their chosen profession. They must have the time to continue their learning.

There is much more one needs to know in finding the right company and pet sitter.  Deciding what the best avenue is to meet your pet care needs is a serious process.

Guardian Pet Sitters® takes providing pet care service seriously and has 19 years of selecting pet care providers and running a business concerned about customer service. What we have learned and practice is what makes us “dependable and responsible”. We do have the solutions to your pet care needs.