Some people might say that a pet is an added burden for senior citizens.  They might argue that it’s too much responsibility for a person in their

Helping Seniors with their Pets

Helping Seniors with their Pets

golden years to care for a pet.  However, if the senior citizen in your life wants a pet, you might want to encourage him or her!   There are some physical and mental health benefits that could improve their quality of life – and even extend their life altogether!  Read on to learn why pets and senior citizens are a match!

A pet fulfills the basic human need to love and nurture.  As some people near the sunset of their life, they long for the days when they felt needed and served a purpose.  Having a purpose and something to love can rekindle an elderly person’s purpose and pursuit to keep going.

Pets are also great companions and provide social contact for an elderly person who is beginning to spend more and more time alone.  Isolation can have a detrimental impact on the elderly.  A pet can give senior citizens a reminder that they are still recognized and their love matters.

In addition to the fulfilling a social need, pets can improve physical and mental well-being of our senior citizens.

                                        Positive benefits:

  •      Less signs of heart disease
  •      Lower heart rate and blood pressure
  •      Longer life span for heart patients
  •      Lower cholesterol levels
  •      Fewer doctor visits                             


Does it surprise you that all of the above health issues can be directly attributed to stress? Pets reduce stress in our senior citizens lives, which directly impacts their heart health.  Also, senior citizens with pets are more likely to take care of themselves and are more active than their non- pet owning friends.

At Guardian Pet Sitters, we recognize the positive impact of pet ownership to our senior citizen population however; we also realize that pet ownership can be a financial hardship for low income seniors.   We proudly support Seniors Pets Assistance Network for this exact reason!

SPAN serves Dallas County low income senior citizens by providing assistance with basic veterinary care as well as pet food.  They also assist with other vet needs on a case by case basis depending on availability of funds and other factors.  This fabulous network is manned by volunteers that strive to improve quality of life for seniors AND their pets!  Join Guardian Pet Sitters in advocating for and supporting senior citizens and their beloved pets.

To learn more about SPAN: